Tag Archives: dawn and dusk

Nepal Adventure (Day 3)- Nagarkot

We didn’t know what to expect from Nagarkot. We only decided to go because this place is known to have a spectacular view of the Himalayas which promises a beautiful scenery at dawn and dusk. Plus, our taxi driver, Visnu, said that he is well acquainted with people there and could help us find a good deal.


Situated 32km east of Kathmandu and on higher grounds (also closer to Mt Everest), it is definitely THE place for panoramic views of the Himalayan range, specifically the Langtang range. The drive up a rocky uphill winding road takes approximately two hours. And let me just tell you, the view high up in Nagarkot is indeed magical.


We spent a night in Unkai Resort which is a cozy little resort with direct view of the Himalayan range. If you are racing with time, a night spent in Nagarkot is enough. Just enough to catch the sunset on the day of arrival, and to witness the most beautiful sunrise the following day. It’s not a commercial area so do not expect a lot of activities.


Things to look forward to:

1. Meditation and some quiet time facing The snow capped Himalayan range.


2. Ideas & inspiration.


3. A little bit of adventure!



4. Beautiful sunset.


5. Epic sunrise – Standing on the lookout tower, you get to see a 360 degrees view of snow capped mountain over the horizon. The moment you see the sun pop out from behind the mountains, you immediately understand why the ancient used to worship the sun. A ray of light, a ray of hope, that today is going to be another day, that the heat would warm our shivering bodies (yep, i forgot to wear socks so the picture of me here is me freezing my socks off)

Silly me forgot to wear socks in freezing temperatures.



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Stars! – I know you see stars everyday but have you seen the entire sky filled with stars?! What about the milky way? This was definitely a feast to my eyes. Lucky enough to see a shooting star 🙂


My travelogue ;)
My travelogue 😉